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Year Round Gardening Challenge

Survey Owner: Charlotte Glen

By completing this survey you will be registered in the “Year Round Gardening Challenge”. You must answer all required questions to be a registered participant in the challenge.





3. Do you wish to subscribe to the Food Gardener News to receive weekly email updates about vegetable gardening? (required)


All participants who provide their mailing address will be entered in a monthly drawing to win a “Zone 8 Garden by the Month” gardening planner. Three winners will be chosen from all registered participants on the last work day of each month, February 2014 – October 2014, to receive a planner free by mail ($9 value).



Please answer the following questions about your garden and gardening preferences. Your answers will help me share information that is most relevant to you.

5. Where do you garden? (required)


6. What size is your garden? For example, a standard size 4’ x 8’ raised bed is 32 square feet. An acre is 43,560 square feet. (required)


7. Which of the following terms best describes your level of vegetable gardening experience? (required)


8. Which of the following problems limit your vegetable gardening success? Select all that apply. (required)


9. What methods do you use to manage garden pests? (required)


Which vegetables do you hope to grow this year? For each season listed in questions 9 (spring), 10 (summer), and 11 (fall), list at least one vegetable you plan to plant outside as seeds or plants.







The following questions are optional but answering them will help Cooperative Extension develop educational resources relevant to your needs.

How interested are you in learning more about each of the following topics this year. (optional)

13. Improving my soil


14. Fertilizing the garden


15. Growing vegetables organically


16. Managing insect and disease problems


17. Managing weeds


18. Growing vegetables from seed


19. New varieties and crops suggested for SE NC


20. Extending the harvest season


21. Supporting pollinators and beneficial insects




How would you like to learn about these topics? Indicate your level of interest in each of the following learning methods. (optional)

23. Attend gardening talks


24. Participate in hands on workshops


25. Participate in online classes


26. Access information online


27. Receive timely email updates throughout the year


28. Tour gardens of successful local gardeners


29. Have problems diagnosed and get advice from an Extension Master Gardener Volunteer






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Year Round Gardening Challenge
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Please contact the owner, Charlotte Glen , of this survey if you have any questions or comments.

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