Single Question Results  

Results for Survey: CVM Technology Survey

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(Text Answer)

  I don't like computers.  
  I have found in from past experience in a collegiate setting that computers can be extremely helpful in the classroom, but they can also cause some problems. For instance, I have had professors that make their complete notes available online, which personally makes it must harder to pay attention in class because all of the information has already been written down for you. I have had other professors that have left out key information from their notes which forces the student to really pay attention to what is happening in class. I am in full support of using computers and the internet for increased classroom learning and participation, but it is important to not rely on them completely.  
  I look forward to new learning new technology when and where I can!  
  I think integrating web, video, e-mail and other technologies into coursework and lecture enhances the learning experience, however, I don't believe these tools can replace actually going to class and interacting with a professor. Also I don't think I would need a course to show me how to utilize these tools.  
  I really don't like using the computer for online course work. I find that its very distracting trying to get things to work and it takes away from the learning experience. I also find that learning in the classroom holds my attention better than staring at a computer screen.  
  I am sure I would be more receptive to using the computer from home for school work if I had a faster on-line connection. I also enjoy using spreadsheets and creating graphs, until there's the one function I don't know how to perform, and I get stuck, wasting time, trying to figure it out.  
  Computers are an essential part of today's educational experience and should be utilized as much as possible in order to help tailor the organization and dissemination of material to a particular teacher's style. Through the use of computers students have greater, faster access to information and are able to use unique study/practice aids not practical in paper format. Not to mention work done on the computer saves on cost of material and natural resources by using less paper. All that being said, I am old enough to remember when books were the norm and still find it easier to use paper-copies of materials rather than reading the screen, and a book is still my favorite resource. Old habits die hard I guess.