About the General Agriculture Degree

The General Agriculture (GNA) degree provides students with the opportunity to get a degree in agriculture without having to focus on one specific area like horticulture or animal science. The GNA degree prepares them for a job in any area of agriculture. As one GNA student, Krystal Godwin, put it, “I wanted to learn about both the crops and animals”, and the GNA degree offers her the ability to do so. Additionally, many of our students who choose to double (or triple, or quadruple!) major choose GNA as one of their degrees because it is so inclusive.

The GNA degree also offers the opportunity to concentrate in specific topics. Our GNA students can choose from Agribusiness Management, Field Crop Production, General Livestock Management, Poultry Management, and Swine Management. These areas of concentration allow students to still get the broad spectrum of courses that the GNA degree offers, but to focus on one area a little more closely. The GNA program also allows for students who come into the Agricultural Institute unsure of what area they would like to specialize in a chance to learn about the diverse fields and specialties taught here.

Degree Curriculum

If you are interested in learning more about the courses you will be taking, please view the semester by semester display. 

Meet the Faculty

The faculy here at the Agricultural Institute love what they do and are experts in their field. If you would like to learn more about the faculty in this degree program, please click here. 

What can I do with my major? 

  • Farm Management
  • Family Farm Operations
  • Fertilizer Distribution
  • Machinery and Equipment Sales
  • Agricultural Chemical Distribution