
CALS International Programs

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Allen, Kimberly I.

Professor Agricultural and Human Sciences
919-515-2786 fax
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Kimberly Allen, PhD, BCC, is an Associate Professor and Extension Specialist in the Department of Youth, Family, and Community Sciences, North Carolina State University where her areas of expertise include family life coaching, parent education, teaching with technology, and reaching underserved youth audiences. Dr. Allen is author of the book Theory, Research, and Practical Guidelines for Family Life Coaching and she is Founder and Chair of the Family Life Coaching Association. FLCA is a new organization with members across the world, working to publish and promote coaching families.  Dr. Allen 2016-2017 Recipient of the George J. and Rhoda W. Driz Faculty Study Leave Endowment to study Coaching Psychology at the City University of London. She also regularly hosts international students in her home.

Community Development | Extension | Youth Leadership
Country(s) of experience:
Costa Rica | Spain | United Kingdom
Type(s) of International Experience:
Speaker at an international conference | Visiting faculty | Other international activities | Advisor for international students | Host for international faculty
Family Life Coaching Study Experience
Year: 2017
Description: The focus of this leave was to explore collaborations on research, funding, and student exchange opportunities in order to grow the science of coaching psychology and bridge the gap in research of coaching families. The study leave was for three weeks, and included meetings and training in coaching psychology.
Country: United Kingdom

Costa Rica Study Abroad Exploration for Youth, Family, and Community Sciences Study Abroad
04/01/2017 - 06/01/2017
Funding Agency/Sponsor:
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Family Coaching Training/Workshop
01/01/2015 - 12/31/2015
Funding Agency/Sponsor:
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