
CALS International Programs

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Faculty Overview

Birgand, Francois

Associate Professor Biological and Agricultural Engineering
919-515-7760 fax
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Environmental Management | Water | Soil physical Chemistry | Water Management
Country(s) of experience:
Bangladesh | France | United Kingdom | UK |
Type(s) of International Experience:
Researcher in an international project | Visiting faculty | Other international activities | Advisor for international students | Host for international faculty
Benjamin Meaker Visting Professor
Year: 2017
Description: Collaboration between NCSU and University of Bristol to take the lead in the analysis of high frequency water quality data
Country: United Kingdom

Pioneering high-frequency in-situ water quality sensors to improve the understanding and management of non-linear dynamics of pollutant fate and transport in complex flowing systems Research project
11/22/2018 - 06/30/2020
Funding Agency/Sponsor:
Institutional Partner:

Pioneering high-frequency in-situ water quality sensors to improve the understanding and management of non-linear dynamics of pollutant fate and transport in complex flowing systems Research project
11/22/2018 - 06/30/2020
Funding Agency/Sponsor:
Institutional Partner:

Pioneering high-frequency in-situ water quality sensors to improve the understanding and management of non-linear dynamics of pollutant fate and transport in complex flowing systems Research project
11/22/2018 - 06/30/2020
Funding Agency/Sponsor:
Institutional Partner:

Sustainable agriculture and environmental impacts on nutrient-sensitive coastal waters: a North Carolina – Brittany collaboration Training/Workshop
01/01/2013 - 12/31/2013
Funding Agency/Sponsor: North Carolina State University
Institutional Partner: Agrocampus Ouest, France | National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), France | Université de Rennes 1 (University of Rennes 1), France

Minimizing Arsenic loading to rice field Development project
01/01/2012 - 12/31/2012
Funding Agency/Sponsor:
Institutional Partner: Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Bangladesh