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Burkholder, JoAnn M

Applied Ecology
919-513-3194 fax
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I am a William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor, a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and the Director of the Center for Applied Aquatic Ecology at North Carolina State University. I received a B.Sc. in zoology from Iowa State University, a M.Sc. in aquatic botany from the University of Rhode Island, and a Ph.D. in botanical limnology from Michigan State University. I have authored or co-authored 186 peer-reviewed publications. My research emphasizes human alterations of aquatic ecosystems, especially assessment of the influences of land use changes on nutrient loading, the ecology and impacts of harmful algal blooms, and the effects of cultural eutrophication on aquatic ecosystems.

I am a member of professional societies such as the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, the Society for Freshwater Science, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). I have been invited to testify before the U.S. House and Senate as an expert on water quality and impacts from harmful algal blooms. I have held Governor-appointed policy positions on the NC Coastal Futures Committee, and on the NC Marine Fisheries Commission where I served as Chair of the Habitat and Water Quality Committee. I also served as science advisor on a governor-appointed environmental commission in Maryland, and received an Admiral of the Chesapeake Award while in that role. I have received numerous other awards such as the Distinguished Service in Environmental Education Award from the Environmental Educators of NC, the Borlaug Award for Service to the Environment and Society, the J. Compton Lifetime Achievement Award for leadership in river conservation from River Network, and the AAAS Scientific Freedom and Responsibility Award.

Ecology | Environmental Toxicology | Water | Microbiology
Country(s) of experience:
Australia | Austria | Canada | Denmark | France | Germany | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | Norway | Sweden | United Kingdom | United States
Type(s) of International Experience:
Researcher in an international project | Instructor at an academic institution overseas | Speaker at an international conference | Other international activities | Advisor for international students | Host for international faculty
Research Focus:

My research is primarily in three areas: • Chronic effects of nutrient pollution (eutrophication) and other chemical environmental contaminants on aquatic primary producers (algae, angiosperms); • the ecology and impacts of harmful algae in freshwater, estuarine, and marine habitats; and • Influences of long-term changes in watershed land use on aquatic ecosystems.

English | Spanish
The Importance of Algal Mixotrophy in Trophic Models of the Oceans Research project
01/01/2011 - 12/31/2014
Funding Agency/Sponsor: The Leverhulme Trust
Institutional Partner: Swansea University, United Kingdom | University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Denmark | University of Dundee, United Kingdom | University of Maryland (UMD), USA | University of Tasmania, Australia
