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Ange-van Heugten, Kimberly

Teaching Associate Professor Animal Science
919-515-6884 fax
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Dr. Ange-van Heugten is a native North Carolinian who attended NCSU for her BS in Animal Science and her MS in Nutrition.  She then completed her PhD in Animal Science at Wageningen University in The Netherlands. After working in the zoo industry for several years, she returned to NCSU full time nd has been a facullty member for over 19 years (teaching companion animal and nutrition courses in the Animal science department).  Her animal research interests have included captive and free-ranging nutrition work with numerous species including rhinos, elephants, girafffe, woolly and spider monkeys,  gorillas, chimps, bats, amphibians, swine, etc.  She has also researched teaching methods to enhance student learning in her classrooms. She is the proud parent of four children and the wife of fellow NCSU animal science faculty member Dr. Eric van Heugten.

Agriculture Education | Animal Feed and Nutrition | Animal Physiology
Country(s) of experience:
Belgium | Colombia | Congo, Republic of | France | Namibia | Netherlands | South Africa | Thailand | United Kingdom | Zambia | Guatemala | Costa Rica | Canada |
Type(s) of International Experience:
Researcher in an international project | Speaker at an international conference | Director of study abroad programs or similar | Advisor for international students
Primate Nutrition Advisor Training/Workshop
11/01/2024 - 11/01/2025
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Chimpanzee Nutrition Advisor / Research Research project
08/01/2024 - 08/01/2025
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Thailand: Global Animal Management Issues, Concerns and Solutions Study Abroad
07/09/2022 - 07/26/2025
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Howler Monkey Nutrition Research Research project
08/01/2023 - 07/30/2024
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Costa Rica Study Abroad Developement (and 1st semester offering) Study Abroad
08/01/2023 - 07/01/2024
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External University Thesis Reviewer Development project
05/01/2023 - 12/01/2023
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Guatemala Zoo Nutrition Guest Lecturer Development project
12/01/2022 - 04/01/2023
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PhD Thesis evaluator for University of Karachi, Pakistan Research project
08/01/2022 - 12/31/2022
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Health Assessments of Semi Free Ranging Chimpanzees in Republic of Congo Research project
11/01/2021 - 10/31/2022
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Collaboration to collect iSTAT values from chimpanzees in Australian Zoo (Taronga Zoo) Research project
05/01/2022 - 08/01/2022
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Chimpanzee blood iSTAT values from Australian Zoo (Taronga) Research project
05/01/2022 - 08/01/2022
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ANS 495 Management and Conservation of Wild Animals in South Africa Development project
05/01/2016 - 05/21/2016
Funding Agency/Sponsor:
Institutional Partner: SA WorldVets, South Africa

Captive Nutrition Management in Callitrichidae Training/Workshop
06/01/2008 - 06/05/2008
Funding Agency/Sponsor: North Carolina State University
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Nutritional Analyses and Intervention in the Captive Woolly Monkey Research project
01/01/2004 - 01/01/2007
Funding Agency/Sponsor: Smithsonian, USA
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