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Avila Cardoso, Amanda

Assistant Professor of Crop Physiology Crop and Soil Sciences
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Dr. Cardoso is a Brazilian researcher especialized in Crop Physiology. She performed her scientific training in Brazil, Australia, and USA and travelled to a number of other countries to perform collaborative research. She strive to collaborate with plant breeders, soil scientists, and extension specialists to better understand crop functionng and improve agricultural practices.

Climate Change | Plant Physiology | Structural Biology | Greenhouse and Protected Agriculture | Turfgrass
Country(s) of experience:
Argentina | Australia | Belgium | Brazil | Estonia | France | Germany | Japan | United States
Type(s) of International Experience:
Researcher in an international project | Speaker at an international conference | Visiting faculty | Other international activities | International consultant | Advisor for international students | Host for international post-doc
Research Focus:

The Cardoso lab is located in the Crop and Soil Sciences department of the NC State University. In this lab, researchers and students are interested in various plant physiological processes - from water transport to photosynthesis - and how they are affected by abiotic stressors. Studies are performed utilizing several crops, including woody and herbaceous. Plants are cultivated in either greenhouse or field conditions. A wide diversity of specialized techniques is employed, including measurements of leaf gas exchange, plant hydraulics, quantification of hormones, plant growth, and leaf senescence.

English | Portuguese
Maize submitted to early defoliation: morphophysiological, biochemical and molecular characterization of plants under different levels of water deficit, nitrogen and biostimulants for improving the “ANTECIPE” practice Research project
11/01/2022 - 10/31/2025
Funding Agency/Sponsor:
Institutional Partner:
