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USDA-FAS Borlaug – Scientific Research Exchange Program Turkey – Wheat Genetics Research project

Ashrafi, Hudson

Gina Lynn Brown-Guedira

Fatma Gül earned her bachelor’s degree in Genetic and Bioengineering from Faith University, moving on to achieve her master’s degree in Plant Sciences from the University of Manchester.  She is employed by the Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, specifically in the Biotechnology Research Institute, where her work is focused on the collection of data for plant genome study.

Fatma Gül applied for a Borlaug Fellowship that would allow her to visit the US and study bioinformatics at NC State using data Fatma Gül gathered from wheat in Turkey. Fatma Gül used that data in two labs during her visit, working with Hamid Ashrafi and Gina Brown-Guedira to explore bioinformatic wheat genome sequencing. To put simply, Fatma Gül says:

Region(s)/Country(s): Turkey
01/01/2020 - 08/31/2021

Institutional Partner(s):
Ankara University, Turkey

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