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ANS 495 Management and Conservation of Wild Animals in South Africa Development project

Ange-van Heugten, Kimberly

Shannon Elizabeth Phillips

This 2 week course begins with students meeting in Thankerton Game Reserve near Gravelotte, South Africa.  Students were expected to attend demonstrations and participate in field activities at the privately owned game reserves that Dr. Chris Boshoff (veterinarian) and Benjamin Osmers (Wildlife Biologist and Co-owner of SA WorldVets) will be working at. The day to day location varies within the Limpopo Province of South Africa depending on clinical cases. 

There are three-fold objectives of the course;

  1. Educate and familiarize students about the exotic wildlife and wildlife management practices by incorporating lectures and hands-on experience.
  2. Expose students to the current conservation challenges facing wildlife management and human conflict issues around National Parks by including lectures and observation modules.
  3. Acquaint students with the fascinating aspects of South African culture, traditions and history and its integration with the wildlife education.

The course is an overview of the field strategies and veterinary techniques that wildlife veterinarians and biologists use in management and conservation of the wildlife.  The course gives students a better understanding about how wildlife veterinarian assists game farmers in breeding and conservation of endangered wild animals. Dr. Ange-van Heughten accompanied a group of NCSU students during the summer of 2016 and is a collaborator of this study abroad program. 


Region(s)/Country(s): South Africa
05/01/2016 - 05/21/2016

Institutional Partner(s):
SA WorldVets, South Africa

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