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Primo-Fruit: Transforming New Zealand Orchards into Annual Cropping Systems Research project

Fernandez, Gina E



Dr Fernandez (North Carolina State University, USA) has provided DNA from her primocane-fruiting raspberry mapping population and detailed phenotypic data. She will be a co-author on any manuscripts about the PF gene. The benefits to NZ are the development of new cultivars that will help to protect our fruit industries from the effects of climate 

An agreement already exists between PFR and North Carolina State University (NCSU) detailing an IP arrangement which will allow both parties to use the developed IP in non-commercial and commercial arrangements. Agreements detailing IP management with remaining parties will be put in place before the start of the research programme if they do not already exist. MTA 170536MA

Resulting publication from this collaboration:

Two Loci, RiAF3 and RiAF4, Contribute to the Annual-Fruiting Trait in Rubus. 2019. Published online 2019 Oct 25. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.01341


Region(s)/Country(s): New Zealand
01/23/2017 - 01/31/2020

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