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2023 Pollinator Program Evaluation

Survey Owner: Debbie Roos

Please take a few minutes to give feedback on my pollinator programming efforts so I can determine the effectiveness of this program and make improvements. Your response is very important to me. Thank you for your time!
1. I deliver pollinator programs through a variety of methods. Which ones have you attended/experienced? Please check all that apply. *
2. As a result of participating in my pollinator programs, have you increased your knowledge? Please check all that apply. *
3. As a result of participating in my pollinator programs, have you done or experienced any of these things? Please check all that apply. *
4. Has what you learned from my pollinator programs helped you protect and enhance pollinator populations? *
5. As a result of participating in my pollinator programs, did you purchase plants from a North Carolina nursery? *
6. This question is only for those who have visited the pollinator garden in Pittsboro, either for a tour or on their own. When you came to visit the garden, did you spend money in Chatham County, e.g., shopping at a plant nursery, eating at a local restaurant, or shopping downtown? *
7. My Pollinator Website has many resources (see Please indicate which ones you have found most useful. Check all that apply. *


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2023 Pollinator Program Evaluation
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Please contact the owner, Debbie Roos , of this survey if you have any questions or comments.

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