Single Question Results  

Results for Survey: ANREP/NACDEP Joint Conference, June 26-29, Burlington, VT

results statistics

What do you think was the most important benefit of having a jointly held Extension association conference?
(Short Answer)

  Shared learning and potential collaborations  
  Networking and learning the common ground areas of programs  
  cost savings  
  Important to connect the two associations.  
  open discussion and awareness  
  I thought the combination was GREAT! I would be happy having the two organizations combined for EVERY ANREP conference. Some specific reasons: 1. It seemed like more people attended each concurrent session, presumably because there was a larger pool of participants. It's no fun to speak to a room of 5, so I really liked the larger crowd. 2. There is a lot of potential overlap and areas for collaboration between our two associations, so it was good to make those connections. 3. There were quite a few NACDEP presentations I was interested in attending.  
  broader definition of important issues.  
  Diversity of perspectives  
  program efforts overlap...this type of conference offers the chance to attend some sessions with topics outside our normal programming and get a different perspective on how other are using programming resources  
  seeing a greater diversity of work  
  Ability to "systems think" across the topics of both associations.  
  There were some areas of overlap with community development.  
  Exposure beyond silos, hybrid vigor  
  I attended sessions in each area - natural resources and community development.  
  Professionals with similar and synergistic work being able to comingle  
  overlap in work  
  diversity and unsiloing our programming.  
  not sure  
  The idea was great but the two groups were not integrated enough  
  I'm guessing larger attendance = lower per person costs. I really would have rathered just meet with my association. Too much (including all the plenary sessions) were not applicable for me  
  The ability to see a larger view of Extension  
  collboration, but the benefits did not outway the costs  
  opportunity to see chances to use both of our skills together  
  Exchange. Realizing that these folks approach the world the same way I do... program development!!  
  Transcend disciplinary boundaries  
  Variety of sessions but also ability to link technical science aspects with community development and outreach folks.  
  Larger more diverse audience for cross-cutting themes  
  Great cross pollination; I do community development by default as a rural Extension educator and got introduced to lots of great ideas.  
  Wider variety of topics and ideas.  
  The opportunity to make connections and perhaps work together on projects  
  I got a different perspective on the work I do, I learned to identify new opportunities for programming  
  Not sure of the benefits.  
  A larger conference  
  Understanding their respective work  
  learned more about what the other group does - but more formalized interaction couldhave improved this  
  There are many overlapping issues that we can all relate to.  
  Understanding the work the staff do from the other association.  
  Ability to learn about complementing work being done by ANREP'ers.  
  Certainly in regard to economic and community development, there was a great deal of overlap. I know that it is essential that, as the final speaker noted, we must re-monetize the economy. In NH, it is essential to understand our natural resources and to find new ways to discuss their value.  
  To stimulate discussion about how these two program areas overlap.  
  Rubbing elbows with people outside of our respective silos. This is maybe even more important for people who never intermix with someone from a different specialization.  
  So much of what we do crosses over into other areas of Extension. This was the first conference I have ever attended where the water quality programming presentations made sense and weren't a bunch of mumbo jumbo science data and graphs. I really appreciated the opportunity to meet ANREP members and see what they were doing, as much of it relates to the water quality work I do in the CD unit. Networking and a greater perspective of what Extension does.  
  diverse topics and ability to meet others across associations  
  The overlap between two organizations that are closely related when it comes to working with our clients.  
  Wider audience and network.  
  Recognizing the influence that each area has on the other.  
  Important to see program overlap and ID ways to collaborate  
  Expanded base of individuals to get to know  
  Honestly...I didn't attend any of the ANREP sessions. I'm bad!!  
  A lot of our resources and programming overlap. It's good to bring folks together to see how they can better work together.  
  The conference was almost a "total fail" as far as being a joint conference. No real intentionality in creating joint interactions.  
  meeting people with similar goals but slightly different content to convey to audiences  
  This one  
  It was great to cross-pollinate, but I feel like we lost some of the intimacy of past conferences.  
  More options for concurrent sessions and more diverse ones at that  
  new ideas  
  More people present. Some additional thought to the "then what" question that follows up good ideas with a pathway to economic development.  
  NACDEP members are interested in many of the same things ANREPers are. Great people too.  
  Areas of cross-pollination were really interesting.  
  Natural resources issues are becoming increasingly relevant to community and economic development issues.  
  I didn't find it to be especially beneficial.  
  I appreciate the other organization but have to focus on my discipline. Don't have enough time or energy  
  We both benefitted from the other's experience (slightly different perspectives were refreshing)  
  A lot of our issues overlap.  
  Opportunity to see overlap between two associations; although I did not find much overlap with my work.  
  I learned technical inforation related to issues I deal with as CD extension specialist  
  Different cultures sharing, nice fit for those with overlap  
  Personally, there was no value to this joint endeavor for me. It actually hurt my experience more than helped it. While I really liked some of the people I met through this conference from the other organization, I did not garner anything professionally from their presence in regards to the work I will continue to do.  
  To help bridge gaps and remove silos.  
  Getting to know new colleagues with similar interests  
  new perspectives and stepping out of comfort zone  
  In my opinion, there was little benefit. Most of the time, the associations were separated, and most of the sessions were also segregated-- there were not many that would benefit both NR and CD professionals. And, most of the sessions were catered toward NR.  
  cross-cutting conversations and presentations-- we should be having more opportunities to brainstorm between associations  
  To see what others are doing  
  Wider array of people to meet and iteract with.  
  Potential collaboration; cost savings for members of both  
  The breadth of session offerings was much wider than if we had held separate conferences.  
  I love the idea but i didn't see much benefit at all.  
  Gaining exposure to topics and ideas outside of my discipline.  
  No benefit. It was a negative.  
  larger number of attendees  
  Integrating opinions and ideas from different organizations.  
  more exposure to large group of ext professionals  
  Opportunity to learn from others who are focused on community quality of life/natural resource issues that impact my work within the community as well. Broadened my horizons!  
  cross fertilization of ideas  
  Areas of overlap; pretty sure I had attendees from both organizations in my session.  
  communcation leading to sharing and understanding  
  Cross-pollination, better understanding and opportunity to hear more about community development programs.  
  Certainly can be strong linkages/inter relationships between CD and NR.  
  See differing view points and more broad knowledge base  
  It wasn't of benefit to NACDEP. ANREP took charge of too much.  
  Lots of overlap among work areas; it was great.  
  Better opportunities with a larger audience  
  Cross program discussions and sessions  
  Ability to attend sessions provided by the other organization.  
  As a new ANREP member, I don't really know what it is like to not have them together,.  
  Not sure there is one  
  Areas of synergy -- community food systems especially  
  Exchange of ideas and programs to spur collaboration  
  It was interesting to see another associations programming but not much could be applied to what I do.  
  lot of overlap between the two associations (and I also belong to NACAA)  
  The two groups are similar and topics overlap  
  Content overlap and cross disciplinary opportunities.  
  I had way more overlap with NACDEP than I knew (didn't realize I had any). Realize how issues they address fits with my research.  
  maybe hold joint in 10 or 15 years  
  Meeting new people and learning more about community development work.  
  larger conference  
  Many of the presentations perfectly crossed the work that I do with both natural resources AND community development  
  new topics  
  Concurrent sessions that tied both together; or were a fit for both groups.  
  Makes sense- natural resources and economic development are connected.  
  cross program resource sharing  
  Getting a new perspective on issues both associations are dealing with.  
  Benefits to doing occassional, but results in fewer opportunities from ANREP members to present  
  It was beneficial to learn from members of another organization. I attended a few sessions and learned quite a bit.  
  Gathering ideas from an association that approaches situations differently, thereby giving me new tools to work with.  
  I didnt see the value but maybe others benefitted  
  The program I deliver needs to address and work with other extension program fields; therefore, it is beneficial for myself when I attend joint conferences to learn about programs that could also influence the work I need to do.  
  I am hoping the costs  
  learning new methods and approaches that apply across fields  
  I loved having it with ANREP. The majority of my job duties is in Ag and Natural Resources.  
  There are important areas in which we have collective goals.  
  People could cross attend sessions....  
  Strong presence of local, sustainable foods. Connecting community to natural resources.  
  My work spans the topic areas of both associations.  
  Cross collaboration with folks  
  adds a richer dimension to the meeting  
  Shared knowledge and leveraged reources across discilplines or "silos."  
  learning about other programs I would not normally have access to  
  Getting a glimpse how research and extension work together to bring knowledge and service to the community.  
  Programmatic overlap  
  Learn more about other program areas' plans of work  
  Saves time and money for both of our organizations and members.  
  to work on projects together  
  I am a member of both so double benefit  
  More people!  
  Broaden my network and my programming resources and knowledge  
  The opportunity to take what others were doing outside my program area and look for ways to implement their good ideas.  
  Should be an effort to reduce costs of hotel/conference per attendee.  
  I've attended ANREP, but have always wanted to attend NACDEP, but could not afford both! Please do this every so often!  
  learn from each other and find our mutual work  
  The nice mix of sessions between the two disciplines.  
  related disciplines interacting  
  Ability to network and learn from a wider variety of attendees and presentations  
  Good to discover overlapping interests  
  Exposure to how CD work folds with other Extension organization programming.  
  Today there is a lot of crossover between the two professions within Extension. It seems Extension is moving more and more to wanting to evaluate nearly everything on the economy of efforts and their impact on our environment or communities.  
  Networking. Broad range of session that overlapped between community development and natural resources.  
  I learned a lot about the work of ANREP and how we can partner with that group.  
  opportunities for interdisciplinary work