A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
A | Back to top of page | |
Adhikari, Tika
Entomology and Plant Pathology Expertise: Plant Breeding | Plant Genomics and Genetics | Climate Change | Precision Agriculture | Microbiology | Molecular Biology | Soil Microbiology | Crop Production | Fruit and Vegetable Production | Greenhouse and Protected Agriculture | Organic Agriculture | Plant Propagation | Integrated Pest Management | Plant Pathology Country(s) of past or current activity: Brazil | Canada | India | Japan | Kenya | Mexico | Namibia | Nepal | Nigeria | Philippines | South Africa | Spain | Thailand | United States | Vietnam Language(s): English | FIlipino | Hindi | Nepali |
Allen, Kimberly I.
Agricultural and Human Sciences Expertise: Community Development | Extension | Youth Leadership Country(s) of past or current activity: Costa Rica | Spain | United Kingdom |
Allen., Jonathan C
Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences Expertise: Food Science | Animal Feed and Nutrition | Animal Physiology | Biochemistry | Human Nutrition | Beef and Dairy Production Country(s) of past or current activity: Costa Rica | Kenya | Malawi | Pakistan | Saudi Arabia Language(s): English |
Alonso, Jose M
Plant and Microbial Biology Expertise: Plant Genomics and Genetics | Molecular Biology | Plant Physiology Country(s) of past or current activity: Austria | China-Peoples Rep | Germany | Sweden Language(s): Catalan | Spanish |
Anderson, Kenneth (Ken) E
Prestage Department of Poultry Science Expertise: Animal Breeding | Agribusiness | Agriculture Education | Extension | Agriculture Mechanization | Food Processing | Animal Feed and Nutrition | Animal Physiology | Microbiology | Food Safety | Organic Agriculture | Poultry Production Country(s) of past or current activity: Argentina | Australia | Canada | Chile | Cyprus | Ethiopia | Mexico | Russia | UK | United Kingdom Language(s): English |
Andow, David Alan
Applied Ecology Expertise: Ecology | Statistics | Agroecology | Entomology | Integrated Pest Management Country(s) of past or current activity: Australia | Brazil | Canada | China-Peoples Rep | Costa Rica | Denmark | Ethiopia | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | India | Italy | Japan | Kenya | Korea, South | Malaysia | Mexico | Netherlands | Nicaragua | Philippines | Saudi Arabia | Slovakia | South Africa | Spain | Swaziland | Switzerland | Thailand | UK | United Kingdom | Vatican City | Vietnam Language(s): English |
Ange-van Heugten, Kimberly
Animal Science Expertise: Agriculture Education | Animal Feed and Nutrition | Animal Physiology Country(s) of past or current activity: Belgium | Colombia | Congo, Republic of | France | Namibia | Netherlands | South Africa | Thailand | United Kingdom | Zambia | Guatemala | Costa Rica | |
Apperson, Charles S
Entomology and Plant Pathology Expertise: Ecology | Microbiology | Entomology Country(s) of past or current activity: Peru | Thailand Language(s): Spanish |
Arguello-Miranda, Orlando
Plant and Microbial Biology Expertise: Bioinformatics | Biochemistry | Microbiology | Molecular Biology | Plant Pathology Country(s) of past or current activity: Costa Rica | United States Language(s): English | French | German | Spanish |
Ascencio-Ibanez, Jose (Trino) Trinidad
Molecular and Structural Biochemistry Expertise: Plant Genomics and Genetics | Biochemistry | Molecular Biology | Plant Physiology | Plant Pathology Country(s) of past or current activity: Brazil | Kenya | Mexico | Spain | Tanzania | United States | UK | Language(s): Spanish |
Ashrafi, Hudson
Horticultural Science Bioinformatics Research Ctr Expertise: Bioinformatics | Plant Breeding | Plant Genomics and Genetics | Plant Transformation/Regeneration | Food Engineering | Food Processing | Food Science | Molecular Biology | Plant Bioactives | Statistics | Structural Biology | Fruit and Vegetable Production | Plant Pathology Country(s) of past or current activity: Canada | Costa Rica | Korea, South | Mexico | Morocco | Netherlands | Peru | Portugal | Spain | Tunisia | Turkey Language(s): English | French | Persian (Farsi) |
Ashwell, Christopher M
Prestage Department of Poultry Science Expertise: Animal Genomics and Genetics | Animal Feed and Nutrition | Animal Physiology | Biochemistry | Molecular Biology | Agroecology | Animal Reproduction | Food Safety | Poultry Production | Animal Pathology Country(s) of past or current activity: Australia | Belgium | Brazil | France | Ghana | Israel | Netherlands | New Zealand | Peru | Sweden | Tanzania | Uganda | United Kingdom Language(s): English | French |
Avila Cardoso, Amanda
Crop and Soil Sciences Expertise: Climate Change | Plant Physiology | Structural Biology | Greenhouse and Protected Agriculture | Turfgrass Country(s) of past or current activity: Argentina | Australia | Belgium | Brazil | Estonia | France | Germany | Japan | United States Language(s): English | Portuguese |
B | Back to top of page | |
Baars, Oliver
Entomology and Plant Pathology Chemistry Expertise: Climate Change | Ecology | Environmental Management | Environmental Toxicology | Natural Resources and Conservation | Water | Biochemistry | Plant Bioactives | Soil Microbiology | Plant Pathology Country(s) of past or current activity: Croatia | Denmark | Germany | Mexico | Language(s): English | German |
Balint-Kurti, Peter J
Entomology and Plant Pathology Expertise: Plant Genomics and Genetics | Molecular Biology | Plant Pathology Country(s) of past or current activity: Australia | Cameroon | France | Sri Lanka | United Kingdom Language(s): French |
Barrangou, Rodolphe
Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences Expertise: Animal Genomics and Genetics | Bioinformatics | Plant Genomics and Genetics | Food Science | Microbiology | Molecular Biology Country(s) of past or current activity: Canada | China-Peoples Rep | Denmark | Finland | France | Lithuania | Netherlands Language(s): French |
Bird, David M
Entomology and Plant Pathology Expertise: Bioinformatics | Plant Genomics and Genetics | Biochemistry | Molecular Biology | Structural Biology | Crop Production | Nematology | Plant Pathology Country(s) of past or current activity: Australia | India | Israel | United Kingdom Language(s): English |
Birgand, Francois
Biological and Agricultural Engineering Expertise: Environmental Management | Water | Soil physical Chemistry | Water Management Country(s) of past or current activity: Bangladesh | France | United Kingdom | UK | Language(s): French |
Blaimer, Bonnie B
Entomology and Plant Pathology Expertise: Animal Genomics and Genetics | Ecology | Entomology Country(s) of past or current activity: Germany | Madagascar | Mozambique | Myanmar | South Africa | Uganda Language(s): French | German |
Bloom, J. Dara
Agricultural and Human Sciences Expertise: Agriculture Education | Community Development | Extension | Food Systems | Rural Sociology Country(s) of past or current activity: Honduras | Mexico Language(s): Spanish |
Bohórquez, Elaine B
Physiology Program Expertise: Animal Physiology | Human Nutrition | Microbiology Country(s) of past or current activity: Canada | Denmark | UK | United Kingdom | United States Language(s): English | Spanish |
Boys, Kathryn A.
Agricultural and Resource Economics Expertise: Agribusiness | Community Development | Food and Agricultural Policy | Food Systems | Risk Management | Supply Chain Management | Food Safety | Organic Agriculture Country(s) of past or current activity: Canada | Costa Rica | Dominica | India | Senegal | Vietnam Language(s): English | French |
Bradley, Lucy (Lucy) Kennedy
Horticultural Science Expertise: Extension | Youth Leadership Country(s) of past or current activity: China-Peoples Rep | Costa Rica | Italy | Korea, South | Language(s): English |
Brandenburg, Rick L
Entomology and Plant Pathology Expertise: Climate Change | Environmental Toxicology | Natural Resources and Conservation | Extension | Risk Management | Precision Agriculture | Agroecology | Crop Production | Organic Agriculture | Turfgrass | Entomology | Integrated Pest Management Country(s) of past or current activity: Antigua and Barbuda | Argentina | Australia | Belgium | Dominican Rep. | Fiji | France | Germany | Ghana | Haiti | Honduras | Hong Kong | India | Indonesia | Italy | Jamaica | Kenya | Liberia | Malawi | Mali | Mexico | Mozambique | Philippines | Saint Lucia | Senegal | Singapore | South Africa | Spain | Thailand | Tunisia | UK | United Arab Emirates | United Kingdom | Uruguay | Zambia | Zimbabwe Language(s): English |
Breidt, Fred
Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences Country(s) of past or current activity: Korea, South | Turkey | United States |
Brown, Zachary Steven
Agricultural and Resource Economics Expertise: Ecology | Environmental Management | Natural Resources and Conservation | Development Economics | Environmental Economics | Bioenergy and Renewable Energy | Agroecology | Soil Fertility and Management | Entomology | Integrated Pest Management | Weed Science Country(s) of past or current activity: Ghana | Kenya | Philippines | Tanzania | Uganda | United States | France | |
Bruno-Barcena, Jose Manuel
Plant and Microbial Biology Expertise: Food Systems | Bioenergy and Renewable Energy | Food Science | Bioprocessing | Microbiology | Molecular Biology | Soil Microbiology Country(s) of past or current activity: Argentina | Australia | Netherlands | New Zealand | Paraguay | Poland | Portugal | Spain Language(s): English | Spanish |
Buhler, Wayne G
Horticultural Science Expertise: Extension | Entomology | Integrated Pest Management Country(s) of past or current activity: Honduras | United Kingdom |
Burchell, Michael Reed
Biological and Agricultural Engineering Expertise: Ecology | Natural Resources and Conservation | Water | Extension | Aquaculture | Water Management Country(s) of past or current activity: Chile Language(s): French |
Burkey, Kent O
Crop and Soil Sciences Expertise: Air Quality | Climate Change | Biochemistry | Plant Physiology | Crop Production Country(s) of past or current activity: Albania | Austria | Belarus | Belgium | Bulgaria | China-Peoples Rep | Croatia | Czech Republic | Denmark | Egypt | Estonia | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Iceland | Italy | Japan | Latvia | Lithuania | Montenegro | Netherlands | Norway | Pakistan | Poland | Romania | Russia | Serbia | Slovakia | Slovenia | South Africa | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Turkey | Ukraine | United Kingdom | Uzbekistan |
Burkholder, JoAnn M
Plant and Microbial Biology Expertise: Ecology | Environmental Toxicology | Water | Microbiology Country(s) of past or current activity: Australia | Austria | Canada | Denmark | France | Germany | Japan | Mexico | Netherlands | Norway | Sweden | United Kingdom | United States Language(s): English | Spanish |
C | Back to top of page | |
Cao, Jie
Applied Ecology Expertise: Fisheries and Wildlife | Natural Resources and Conservation Country(s) of past or current activity: Canada | China-Peoples Rep | Denmark | Japan | Taiwan Language(s): English | Mandarin |
Carbone, Ignazio
Entomology and Plant Pathology Expertise: Bioinformatics | Microbiology | Molecular Biology | Soil Microbiology | Systematics and Taxonomy | Food Safety | Integrated Pest Management | Plant Pathology Country(s) of past or current activity: Argentina | Australia | Benin | Brazil | Denmark | Kenya Language(s): English | French | Italian |
Carley, Danesha Seth
Integrated Pest Mgmt-Research Horticultural Science |
Carver, Donna K
Prestage Department of Poultry Science Expertise: Statistics | Food Safety | Poultry Production Country(s) of past or current activity: Pakistan | United States Language(s): Spanish |
Castillo, Miguel Sebastian
Crop and Soil Sciences Expertise: Agribusiness | Agriculture Education | Entrepreneurship | Extension | Bioenergy and Renewable Energy | Animal Feed and Nutrition | Plant Physiology | Statistics | Beef and Dairy Production | Forages Country(s) of past or current activity: Ecuador | Honduras | Peru | United States Language(s): Portuguese | Spanish |
Castro-Bolinaga, Celso
Biological and Agricultural Engineering Expertise: Water Country(s) of past or current activity: United States | Venezuela Language(s): English | Spanish |
Chapman, Benjamin James
Agricultural and Human Sciences Expertise: Extension | Food Safety Country(s) of past or current activity: United Arab Emirates | United Kingdom Language(s): French |
Chen, Hsuan
Horticultural Science Expertise: Plant Breeding | Plant Genomics and Genetics | Floriculture, Ornamentals and Landscape | Plant Propagation Country(s) of past or current activity: Nicaragua | Taiwan Language(s): English | Mandarin |
Cheng, Jay J.
Biological and Agricultural Engineering Expertise: Environmental Management | Bioenergy and Renewable Energy Country(s) of past or current activity: Bulgaria | China-Peoples Rep | Ecuador | Germany | Hong Kong | Japan | Macedonia (FYROM) | Taiwan Language(s): Bulgarian | English | Mandarin | Serbo-Croatian |
Chescheir, George M
Biological and Agricultural Engineering Expertise: Water | Water Management Country(s) of past or current activity: Uruguay Language(s): Spanish |
Cisneros, Juan (Jose) Jose
Horticultural Science International Programs Expertise: Agribusiness | Community Development | Entrepreneurship | Fruit and Vegetable Production Country(s) of past or current activity: Bosnia and Herzegovina | Brazil | China-Peoples Rep | Colombia | Croatia | Denmark | Ecuador | Ghana | India | Italy | Kenya | Mexico | Pakistan | Panama | Peru | Spain | Turkey | Venezuela Language(s): Spanish |
Clay, John S
Animal Science Expertise: Animal Genomics and Genetics | Extension | Beef and Dairy Production Country(s) of past or current activity: Chile | Czech Republic | Dominican Rep. | Mexico | Morocco | Paraguay | Saudi Arabia |
Cline, Bill
Entomology and Plant Pathology Expertise: Extension Country(s) of past or current activity: Netherlands |
Cohen, Marissa Herchler
Prestage Department of Poultry Science Expertise: Agriculture Education | Extension | Food and Agricultural Policy | Animal Feed and Nutrition | Food Safety Country(s) of past or current activity: China-Peoples Rep | Colombia | Ethiopia | Language(s): English |
Collins, Guy (Guy) David
Crop and Soil Sciences Expertise: Crop Production Country(s) of past or current activity: Australia | Egypt | India Language(s): English |
Cowger, Christina
Entomology and Plant Pathology Expertise: Plant Genomics and Genetics | Plant Pathology Country(s) of past or current activity: China-Peoples Rep | France | Germany | Israel | Switzerland Language(s): French | German | Spanish |
Crozier, Carl R
Crop and Soil Sciences Expertise: Extension | Precision Agriculture | Soil Fertility and Management Country(s) of past or current activity: Brazil | Russia | Language(s): Portuguese | Spanish |
Cubeta, Marc A
Entomology and Plant Pathology Expertise: Plant Genomics and Genetics | Soil Microbiology | Plant Pathology Country(s) of past or current activity: Costa Rica | Denmark | Japan | Philippines | Sweden Language(s): Spanish |
Cuebas-Irizarry, Mara
Plant and Microbial Biology |
Curtis, Patricia (Pat) A
Prestage Department of Poultry Science Expertise: Food and Agricultural Policy | Food Systems | Food Processing | Food Science | Food Safety Country(s) of past or current activity: Australia | Austria | Bolivia | Canada | Chile | Egypt | Italy | Taiwan | Trinidad and Tobago | United Kingdom Language(s): English |
D | Back to top of page | |
Daniels, Harry V
Applied Ecology Expertise: Ecology | Fisheries and Wildlife | Water | Aquaculture Country(s) of past or current activity: Bangladesh | Korea, South | Venezuela Language(s): French | Portuguese | Spanish |
Daub, Margaret E
Plant and Microbial Biology Expertise: Plant Genomics and Genetics | Plant Transformation/Regeneration | Microbiology | Molecular Biology | Plant Physiology | Plant Pathology Country(s) of past or current activity: Brazil | Costa Rica | Egypt |
Davis, Eric L
Entomology and Plant Pathology Expertise: Molecular Biology | Plant Physiology | Crop Production | Nematology | Plant Pathology Country(s) of past or current activity: Australia | Belgium | Brazil | China-Peoples Rep | Costa Rica | France | Israel | Morocco | Netherlands | New Zealand | United Kingdom Language(s): French |
De Gezelle, Jillian Marie
Plant and Microbial Biology Country(s) of past or current activity: Belize | Panama Language(s): German | Spanish |
Degreenia, Alyssa Rose
Agricultural Institute Expertise: Agriculture Education | Youth Leadership Country(s) of past or current activity: Belize | Brazil | Ireland | Netherlands | Norway | Sweden | United Kingdom | United States Language(s): English |
Doherty, Colleen Jennifer
Molecular and Structural Biochemistry Bioinformatics Expertise: Bioinformatics | Plant Genomics and Genetics | Plant Transformation/Regeneration | Biochemistry | Molecular Biology | Plant Physiology | Postharvest Country(s) of past or current activity: Brazil | Korea, South | Philippines | Sri Lanka | Thailand | United Kingdom |
Dole, John M
Horticultural Science Expertise: Floriculture, Ornamentals and Landscape Country(s) of past or current activity: Australia | Colombia | Language(s): German | Spanish |
Donaldson, Joseph L.
Agricultural and Human Sciences Expertise: Community Development | Extension | Youth Leadership Country(s) of past or current activity: Bangladesh | Greece | United States Language(s): English |
Duckworth, Owen W
Crop and Soil Sciences Expertise: Environmental Management | Natural Resources and Conservation | Water | Soil Microbiology | Soil physical Chemistry Country(s) of past or current activity: Australia | Austria | Brazil | Cambodia | China-Peoples Rep | Korea, South | Sweden | Switzerland |
Dunn, P. Carolyn
Agricultural and Human Sciences Expertise: Community Development | Human Nutrition Country(s) of past or current activity: United Kingdom | |
Dunn, Rob Roberdeau
Applied Ecology Expertise: Ecology Country(s) of past or current activity: Argentina | Australia | Belgium | Bolivia | Brazil | Canada | China-Peoples Rep | Colombia | Costa Rica | Croatia | Czech Republic | Denmark | Dominican Rep. | Ecuador | Finland | France | Germany | Ghana | Greece | Hong Kong | Hungary | Iceland | India | Ireland | Italy | Japan | Madagascar | Mexico | Netherlands | New Zealand | Nicaragua | Peru | Portugal | Singapore | Slovenia | Spain Language(s): Spanish |
E | Back to top of page | |
Edwards, Eric C
Agricultural and Resource Economics Expertise: Water Country(s) of past or current activity: Argentina | Australia | Chile Language(s): English |
Eroglu, Abdulkerim (Kerim)
Kannapolis Research Molecular and Structural Biochemistry Expertise: Animal Genomics and Genetics | Bioinformatics | Food Science | Biochemistry | Human Nutrition | Molecular Biology | Plant Bioactives | Structural Biology Country(s) of past or current activity: Bangladesh | Nepal | Switzerland Language(s): English | German | Japanese | Turkish |
Esposito, Debora A.
Kannapolis Research Animal Science Expertise: Food Engineering | Food Processing | Food Science | Human Nutrition | Molecular Biology | Plant Bioactives | Animal Pathology Country(s) of past or current activity: Bhutan | Brazil | Malaysia | New Zealand | Saudi Arabia | South Africa Language(s): English | Portuguese | Spanish |
Everman, Wesley J
Crop and Soil Sciences Expertise: Extension | Precision Agriculture | Crop Production | Integrated Pest Management | Weed Science Language(s): English |
F | Back to top of page | |
Fahrenholz, Adam C
Prestage Department of Poultry Science Expertise: Beef and Dairy Production | Food Safety | Poultry Production | Swine Production Country(s) of past or current activity: Malaysia | Morocco Language(s): English |
Fell, Harrison George
Agricultural and Resource Economics Country(s) of past or current activity: United States |
Fellner, Vivek
Animal Science Expertise: Waste Management, Composting | Animal Feed and Nutrition | Microbiology Country(s) of past or current activity: Egypt | Germany | India | Malawi | Peru Language(s): French | German |
Ferket, Peter R
Prestage Department of Poultry Science Expertise: Extension | Animal Feed and Nutrition | Animal Physiology | Poultry Production Country(s) of past or current activity: Argentina | Australia | Bangladesh | Belgium | Brazil | Canada | Chile | China-Peoples Rep | Colombia | Denmark | Ecuador | France | Georgia | Germany | Honduras | India | Indonesia | Ireland | Israel | Italy | Japan | Malaysia | Mexico | Netherlands | New Zealand | Norway | Peru | Philippines | Portugal | Russia | Singapore | Spain | Sri Lanka | Thailand | Turkey | United Kingdom | United States | Kenya | Language(s): Dutch | French | German |
Fernandez, Gina E
Horticultural Science Expertise: Plant Breeding | Extension | Plant Physiology | Fruit and Vegetable Production Country(s) of past or current activity: Australia | Bolivia | Canada | Chile | China-Peoples Rep | Colombia | Ethiopia | Italy | Korea, South | Mexico | New Zealand | Serbia | South Africa | Spain | UK | United Kingdom | Uruguay | Language(s): Spanish |
Flowers, William L
Animal Science Expertise: Animal Reproduction | Swine Production Country(s) of past or current activity: Brazil | Canada | Germany | Netherlands | Poland | Spain | |
Foegeding, E. Allen
Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences Expertise: Human Nutrition | Food Safety Country(s) of past or current activity: New Zealand | |
Frank, Steven D
Entomology and Plant Pathology Expertise: Climate Change | Ecology | Natural Resources and Conservation | Agroecology | Floriculture, Ornamentals and Landscape | Greenhouse and Protected Agriculture | Organic Agriculture | Entomology | Integrated Pest Management Country(s) of past or current activity: France | Portugal | United Kingdom | |
Franks, Robert G
Plant and Microbial Biology Expertise: Plant Genomics and Genetics Country(s) of past or current activity: Australia | Ireland | Italy | Portugal | Spain | Sweden | United States Language(s): Indonesian | Swedish |
Franzluebbers, Alan J
Crop and Soil Sciences Expertise: Natural Resources and Conservation | Soil Fertility and Management Country(s) of past or current activity: Argentina | Brazil | France | Spain | Tanzania | United Kingdom | Uruguay | Hungary | Poland | Australia | Germany | Turkey | Thailand | Language(s): German |
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Gannon, Travis W
Crop and Soil Sciences Expertise: Ecology | Environmental Management | Environmental Toxicology | Water | Integrated Pest Management | Weed Science Country(s) of past or current activity: Argentina | Australia | Chile | China-Peoples Rep | Dominican Rep. | Saint Lucia | Singapore | United States Language(s): English |
Gardner, Terrence
Crop and Soil Sciences Expertise: Climate Change | Ecology | Environmental Management | Natural Resources and Conservation | Agriculture Education | Waste Management, Composting | Biochemistry | Bioprocessing | Microbiology | Molecular Biology | Soil Microbiology | Statistics | Systematics and Taxonomy | Crop Production | Greenhouse and Protected Agriculture | Organic Agriculture | Soil Fertility and Management | Integrated Pest Management | Plant Pathology Country(s) of past or current activity: Germany | Mexico | Senegal | United States Language(s): English |
Gatiboni, Luciano Colpo |