BeeMORE at North Carolina State University
About The Program
The BeeMORE program at NC State is an eight week summer research experience funded by the USDA - NIFA Research and Extension Experiential Learning for Undergraduates (REEU) Fellowships Program that focuses on building awareness and fundamental skills in the areas of microbiology and bee biology. Our program will give eight undergraduates the opportunity to investigate diverse topics that highlight the importance of bees as pollinators, the role of pollinators in crop productivity, the importance of microbes in earth ecology, and the specific role of microbes in bee health and disease.
Students will receive stipends of $500 per week during the program, lodging in the Wolf Village student apartments, and a daily food allowance. There are limited travel funds available for participants from outside the state, with preference given to those traveling the farthest. The dates for the 2025 program are May 24th to July 27th.
Program Components
The program begins with a "Bees and Microbes Bootcamp", where participants will learn foundational principles of bees, microbes, and laboratory procedures in a group lab setting. Students will then transition to independent research projects under the guidance of a faculty mentor based on the student's research interests. Over the course of the summer, participants will have multiple opportunities to participate in professional development seminars, such as the Seminar on How to Make Effective Research Poster Presentations and the Seminar on Research Ethics.
Additional opportunities will be available for participants to continue mentored research part-time during the fall and spring, as well as the possibility for second summer or short-term internships to be arranged with collaborating industries.
Who Should Apply
The BeeMORE program is open to all rising sophomore, junior, and senior undergraduate students enrolled in a university program leading to a baccalaureate degree. Applicants should have an interest in interdisciplinary research of importance to agriculture and STEM disciplines, preferably with future plans for graduate school or industry careers. Students from institutions other than NCSU are encouraged to apply, though there will be some slots available for NCSU students. Members of demographic groups that are underrepresented in sciences are especially encouraged to apply. Successful candidates must be US Citizens or Permanent Residents.
How to Apply
To apply, fill out the online application along with each of the following components. All documents should be submitted electronically in either PDF or MS Word format:
1.) Upload your CV
2.) Compose a personal statement that addresses scientific interests and career goals. Within the statement, be sure to indicate the area(s) of research in which you are interested. Restrict your statement to 1 - 1.5 pages.
3.) Obtain a digital copy of your academic transcript and attach as instructed in the application form.
4.) Arrange for a letter of recommendation from a professor or faculty member who is able to comment on your academic ability.
Application Deadline is January 31st, 2025