Recent FAQs and "How To" questions...
How to Install Crashplan for backups (for licensed users only or DLO transitioning) New!
How to Update your Computer Inventory Information with your name, location, and machine use...New! to my department share from a Mac?
...upgrade to Microsoft Office 2016?
What approved antivirus alternatives are available for home computers?
...upgrade my home PC to Windows 10?
...get a Free copy of Office and Office 365?
... add your account authorization code to a Minolta printer on your desktop
... request Remote Desktop access
... setup and use Remote Desktop
... setup your iPad for Wireless, VPN, Email
... request a purchase quote for software or hardware
...install your office network printer to your desktop or laptop
...change your name or address in the Human Resources/Payroll System
...set up a manual back-up on your Windows machine to an external hardrive
...import or export contacts between Outlook and Gmail
...find the MAC address on my computer? things in Google Docs email and calendar?
...sync multiple sub-calendars to your iOS device (iPhone, iPad) (substitute references to with to remove SmartBoard Toolbar
...unable to login to PINS site via Internet Explorer
...clear my browser cookies, cache, history?
...set my computer back to DHCP from a fixed IP
...check file/folder size up backup space via Symantec DLO Client
...make my new Windows 8 machine look like Windows 7?
...using shortcuts in GMAIL
...Activate and Renew SPSS License on Mac and PC
Resource links for 2020 Data Security Training Module
updated by dmluken 11-06-2018